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To spark every child’s interest allowing them to learn and flourish and to support their well-being in a happy, stimulating and nurturing environment



Welcome to
Happy Bunnies Pre-school

About the Pre-school


Happy Bunnies Pre-school, Southampton is a charity run pre-school, limited by guarantee. It is managed by a voluntary committee consisting of parents and community members.  

The Pre-school was named after its original location in Bunnies Hill. It relocated to its new building in Viceroy Road in 2017.


We offer high quality care and education for children from 2 years to 4 years.  


Important Dates: (Please note these dates may be subject to change so please check your most recent Newsletter)   

Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November - Half Term

Wednesday 18th December - Finish for Christmas 

Monday 6th January - Spring Term Begins 

Monday 17th - Friday 21st February -  Half Term

Friday 4th April - Finish for Easter

Tuesday 22nd April - Summer Term Begins 

Monday 5th May - Bank Holiday 

Monday 26th  - Friday 30th May - Half Term

Friday 18th July - Close for the Summer                 



Happy Bunnies Pre-school is a registered charity; the number is: 1129843

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