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Every Child A Talker (ECAT)

The ECAT initiative is designed to help create an appropriate, supportive and stimulating environment, in which children can enjoy experimenting with language.

It can be implemented both, when the child is in Happy Bunnies or at home, through everyday fun and stimulating activities, which reflects the child's own interest.


ECAT will encourage early language development, right from the outset, extending children's vocabulary and helping them build sentences; so that before they start school, they are confident communicators.

During the everyday sessions at the pre-school we will work towards the ECAT initiative's aims, when planning and organising activities for the children. Staff, when appropriate, will continually encourage them to communicate between adults and other children, in whatever task they might be carrying out.

However, it is at home where significant progress can be made, therefore the help and support of the parents / carers is vital to ensure the success of the "Every Child a Talker" initiative.



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